Flutter Doctor is a command-line tool that helps you diagnose issues with your Flutter installation. It checks your system for the required dependencies and configurations and provides feedback on what needs fixing. If you are new to Flutter, you may encounter issues with Flutter Doctor that can be confusing to resolve. In this guide, we will go over some common Flutter Doctor issues and how to fix them.
1. Android toolchain - Unable to locate Android SDK
This error message means that Flutter cannot find the Android SDK on your system. To fix this issue, you need to make sure that you have installed the latest version of Android Studio and the Android SDK.
Here are the steps to fix this issue:
Open Android Studio and go to
(on macOS) orSettings
(on Windows/Linux).Navigate to the
Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK
.Make sure that you have installed the latest version of the Android SDK.
Open your terminal and type the following command:
flutter config --android-sdk /path/to/android/sdk
Replace /path/to/android/SDK
with the path to your Android SDK installation.
2. Android licenses not accepted
When you run Flutter Doctor, you may see this message:
[!] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version x.x.x)
! Some Android licenses not accepted. To resolve this, run: flutter doctor --android-licenses
This message means that you have not accepted the Android SDK licenses. To fix this issue, you need to accept the licenses by running the following command:
flutter doctor --android-licenses
You will be prompted to accept the licenses. Type y
to accept each license.
3. Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode version x.x.x)
If you see the following message when running Flutter Doctor:
[!] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode version x.x.x)
! CocoaPods 1.10.x out of date (1.10.0 is recommended).
Upgrade CocoaPods by running sudo gem install cocoapods.
This message indicates that you need to update CocoaPods. To fix this issue, run the following command:
sudo gem install cocoapods
Once CocoaPods is updated, you should run Flutter Doctor again to see if the issue has been resolved.
4. Visual Studio Issue
[X] Visual Studio - develop for Windows
X Visual Studio not installed; this is necessary for Windows development.
Download at https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/.
Please install the "Desktop development with C++" workload, including the following components:
MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools
- If there are multiple build tool versions available, install the latest
Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0)
This Message indicates that Visual Studio is not Installed or it is installed incorrectly. Please note that Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code are different. Make sure to download Visual Studio from the given Link and install the package named Development with c++.
5. Conclusion
Flutter Doctor is a powerful tool that can help you diagnose issues with your Flutter installation. By fixing issues with Flutter Doctor, you can ensure that your Flutter development environment is properly configured and ready for use. If you encounter any other issues with Flutter Doctor, consult the Flutter documentation or seek help from the community.